July 2012

About Me
When I was 8 years old, I learned to crochet - a potholder out of yarn first, then a doily out of thread. I was mesmerized by the idea of creating something beautiful. And thus began my creative journey. Since then I have tried many crafts. Some were fads whose popularity (and availability of supplies) came and went. Many are traditional crafts and variations on them. All are self-taught. Among my favorites: crochet; counted cross-stitch; Christmas ornaments and decorations; and quilling, the most artistically satisfying of them all.

©2011. All rights reserved.
Content included on this site is created and copyrighted by Barbara Rose. Feel free to use my original design DIY kits or tutorials for your personal projects or any of my published designs for inspiration for your own designs. If using photos or commentary found here, please give appropriate credit and a link back to creative.bcdenterprises.net.

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July Treasuries

Etsy treasuries are collections of 12-16 items based on a theme or similarity. They are created by Etsy members (called curators) featuring their favorite selections from other members' shops. In July, items from my shop were included in a three treasuries (click on a photo to see the treasury):

My "stained glass" teardrop earrings were include in the Stained Glass Inspired Jewelry treasury.

One of my most frequently favorited items, the Blue Delphiniums card, was included in a treasury called I'll Have a Blue Christmas (in July)

String art framing a gold-edged color-burst was included in the treasury titled simply String Art.


Custom Card

An Etsy customer told me she really liked my
pink cameo card and wondered if I could make
one in lavender. Unfortunately, I had cameos in pink, blue and black only. The customer found someone on Etsy who sells the cameos in
several colors, inluding lavender. They are all
oval so I had to modify the design slightly, but
it turned out nicely (below). I liked the design
out so much, I put it on a paper mache box, too.

Click on any of these pictures to see them in my Etsy shop.

Another Team Challenge
The PaperTwirlies Team is having another team challenge. This time, as posted on the PaperTwirlies Blog, the task is to create a quilled item inspired from a selection of crocheted slippers by CrochetGal using any picture in the listing and/or any aspect of it as inspiration.

I was immediately drawn to the rose-colored slipper in the middle because I was named (middle name) after my grandmother Rose. I saw her only a couple times in my life before she died when I was 11 but we did keep up a periodic correspondence - she answered every letter I wrote her. I remember asking my mother how she was able to write long letters to her mother. She assured me that I would write more as I acquired vocabluary and life experiences. These 2 women gave me a solid foundation for language skills, very appreciated.

One more digression: my dear son pointed out to me that the pink slipper is the shortest - he likes to tease me about my height (4'10''). I tease him about his humongous nose (which he's actually "grown into" as an adult), so I guess we're even!

My first thought when I saw the challege picture was that the slippers look comfy and how nice they'd be to slip on after wearing shoes all day - especially if that shoe was a stiletto. I have long been mesmerized by stilettos - while I would love to be able to use heels to boost my height, I've never been able to wear them because of foot problems. And I simply cannot fathom how women bend their feet to get them into 6" stilettos, much less stand and walk on them - and dance on them, too! Must have longer feet than mine...

First step (pun intended ) was to create a template for a stiletto; it wasn't hard to find a picture of one on the internet. I used Paint Shop Pro to enlarge the image and create the shape, then printed it on white heavy weight paper.

After cutting it out, I then traced it from the back onto rose-pink cardstock and cut it out.

I wanted to use the beehive method (described on this blog entry) to fill the stiletto heel. A framework is needed for this intricate filigree to keep it's shape - a frame that will not remain a part of the design.

I Scotch-taped (both sides) a length of contrasting quilling paper lengthwise (explanation in a minute) and used the heel portion of the original template (reversed) to pin it into the heel shape (the "frame"). A few strips of rose-colored quilling paper glued end-to-end to create a length of beehive curls filled in the frame.

Mod Podge heavily dabbed on the curls using a small brush (avoiding getting much on the taped frame) stabilized the filigree design and glued the curls together. Once dry, the frame was removed and the heel kept its shape. I glued it to the (front of the) rose-pink cardstock cutout.

Explanations - the tape does not absorb Mod Podge although it can adhere slightly. That's why care must be taken to avoid touching the frame with the brush. Care must also be taken to keep the Mod Podge on the back of the curls only - it cannot touch the paper template below or it will stick to what will later be the front of the design. This is all worked from the back so that the front remains pretty.

Large, open, double-coils made from the rose-color quilling paper fill the rest of the shoe. To make the double coils, strips of paper are folded in half and wrapped around a small dowel, creating coils that resemble the beehive in the heel. These pieces are arranged carefully and the coil direction is varied (clockwise and counter-clockwise) to create a pleasing continuity among them.

Gaps are filled with snippets of the quilling paper.

Finally, I mounted the finished shoe on an 8" by 10" piece of scrapbook paper with a soft, subtle design.



Website by BCDEnterprises ©2011-2012. All rights reserved.
